Frequently asked questions

How does counselling work?
I work collaboratively with my clients to explore the issues they bring to counselling. I provide a safe, non-judgmental space for you to explore your experiences and concerns, aims and goals. You will be listened to, supported, and empowered to develop more satisfying and resourceful ways of living.
Appointments are usually 60 minutes in duration. Some people I work with only feel they need 2 or 3 sessions; others choose to attend longer-term. In our first sessions we will discuss your hopes for counselling and review how things are going every four to six sessions. You can attend weekly or fortnightly.
Do you meet with clients online or face to face?
I offer face to face sessions, in Palmerston North, and online sessions via Zoom.
How much does it cost to attend counselling?
Payment is on a sliding scale, between $80-$100 per session, according to household income.
If you are on a WINZ benefit or on a low-income, you may be entitled to apply for funding through WINZ. This is something we can discuss via email or phone call.
How do you take payment?
Payment can be made in advance and must be made within the week that the appointment occurs.
Payment can be made in cash or I can provide you with details to make an online payment.
What happens if I have to cancel my session?
If you are unable to attend your session, please notify me at least 24 hours before the appointment. The full session cost will be charged for cancellations less than 2 hours before session.
Are our sessions confidential?
Everything discussed in our sessions is completely confidential. There is a limit to confidentiality when there is a risk of harm to you or someone else. In this circumstance there may be times when information needs to be shared with relevant parties to ensure the safety of you or someone else. Where possible, you would be consulted before the sharing of any information.
I take notes during our sessions. These are stored securely and no one else has access to these notes. Notes are stored for 10 years before being destroyed.
Can I contact you, if I need support urgently?
I am only available for appointments within scheduled times. My phone and email are not regularly monitored outside of business hours. If you are experiencing distress and need urgent help, please contact one of the services listed on the resources page.